RedGard Roll On Membrane 3.5 Gallon Pail

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RedGard roll on membrane 3.5 gallon bucket

RedGard Roll On Waterproof Shower Pan Liner

Is an option in waterproofing and building your tile shower the right way from the bottom up. Following our videos will instruct you on building your shower using a basic Oatey 3 Part Shower Drain, the Pre-Pitch and Quick-Pitch systems; which are all included in the kit add on. One gallon of RedGard will cover approximately 124 to 140 sq ft this product needs two applications of RedGard with fiber tape and mesh mat around drain for building a shower pan. 

Always do a floor test once RedGard has dried before tiling, plug drain put water wait 24 hours no leaks good to tile.

Always read and follow manufacturer installation instructions. In order to ensure that RedGard fully penetrates into a gypsum underlayment, we recommend diluting the first coat with water (4 parts water to 1 part RedGard); it works in more effectively on its first coat diluted. Once the first coat has dried, a second coating of undiluted RedGard is required. Full manufacturer installation and warranty available.

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